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Gary Horlick
1. The Developing Law of Aircraft Hijacking, 12 Harvard International Law Journal 33-70 (1971).

2. The Public and Private International Response to Aircraft Hijacking, 6 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 144-185 (1972)

3. Review of W.M. Reisman, Folded Lies, 5 Yale Studies in World Public Order 292 (1979).

4. RPAR: What It Is and How It Works, Pest Control (January and February 1980) (with McGrew and Baker).

5. A Practical Guide to U.S. Service of Process Abroad, 14 International Lawyer 632 (1980).

6. Chapter on “The Foreign Principal,” in Pattison and Taylor, The Registration of Foreign Agents in the United States: A Practical & Legal Guide (1981).

7. “Subsidies and Suspension Agreements in Countervailing Duty Cases,” in Practising Law Institute, The Commerce Department Speaks on Dumping and Countervailing Duties (1982).

8. “Current Issues in Countervailing Duty Law,” in Practising Law Institute, The Trade Agreements Act. of 1979 - Four Years Later (1983).

9. American Trade Law and the Steel Pact Between Brussels and Washington, 6 The World Economy 357 (September 1983), Gary N. Horlick.

10. “Valuing Subsidies: Issues and Arguments,” in Practising Law Institute, l The Commerce Department Speaks on Import Administration and Export Administration 1984 at 563 (1984) (with Brian Kelly and Judith Hippler Bello).

11. The Trade and Tariff Act of 1984: Trade Remedy Provisions, 32 Federal Bar News & Journal 127 (March 1985) with Judith Hippler Bello).

12. A Manual of U.S. Trade Laws, International Business Lawyers 249 (June 1985) (with Judith H. Bello and James R. Talbot).

13. New Developments in Foreign Government Subsidies; Current and Proposed Responses Under the U.S. Countervailing Duty and Antitrust Laws, 1984 Annual Proceedings of Fordham Corporate Law Institute 13 (1985) with Judith Bellow and Christopher Savage).

14. Voluntary Restraint Agreements and the GATT: Practical and Doctrinal Considerations, 21 Stanford Journal of International Law 281 (Fall 1985) (with Christopher Savage).

15. Nonmarket Economy Trade and U.S. Antidumping/Countervailing Duty Law, 18 International Lawyer 807 (1984), (with Shannon Shuman).

16. “The Countervailability of Subsidies: Specificity”, in Practising Law Institute, U.S. Import Relief Laws: Current Developments in Law and Policy 35 (PLI 1985) (with Judith Bello, Michael Levine).

17. Hard Truths for American and Japanese Policy Makers, 9 The World Economy (September 1986), Gary N. Horlick (book review of the United States-Japan Economic Problem by C. Fred Bergsten and William R. Cline).

18. Government Actions Against Domestic Subsidies, An Analysis of the International Rules and an Introduction to U.S. Practice, 1 Legal Issues of European Investigation 1986/1.

19. The Court of International Trade’s Standard for Review of the International Trade Commission’s Symposium Injury Determination, Third Annual Judicial Conference of the U.S. Ct. of Int’l Trade (October 1986) (with Sheila J. Landers).

20. Working with the U.S. Trade Laws: The Practitioner’s Perspective, Swiss Review of Competition Law Nos. 29 and 30 at 5 and 7 (February and June 1987) (with Debra A. Valentine)

21. Institutional Structures for Dispute Resolution in the GATT, S. Rubin and M. Jones, eds., Conflict and Resolution in U.S.-EC Trade Regulations at the opening of the Uruguay Round (1987), Gary N. Horlick, Kathleen Chagnon, James P. McIlroy.

22. Commerce Procedures Under Existing and Proposed Antidumping/Countervailing Duty Regulations, 22 International Lawyer 99 (1988) (with F. Amanda DeBusk).

23. “Dispute Resolution Mechanisms” in Schott, J. and M. Smith, Eds. , The Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement: The Global Impact (Inst. For Int’l Econ, Washington D.C. 1988) (with Geoffrey D. Oliver, Debra P. Steger).

24. The Free Trade Agreement Working Group: Developing a Harmonized and Improved Countervailing Duty Law, American Bar Association National Institute: “Canada/United States Free Trade Agreement” (January 1988) (with Sheila J. Landers).

25. Institutional Structures for Dispute Resolution in the GATT, International Bar Association (1988) (with Kathleen Chagnon, James P. McIlroy)

26. “Improvements in Trade Remedy Law and Procedures under the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement” in Understanding The Free Trade Agreement (Donald McRae and Debra Steger, eds.), Institute for Public Policy Research (1988).

27. A View from the United States, in Two Views on Dispute Settlement and Trade Laws in the Canada U.S. Free Trade Agreement, Trade Monitor No. 6 at 2 (October 1988), Gary N. Horlick, Debra A. Valentine.

28. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Law Provisions of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, 23 Journal of World Trade 5 (June 1989) with Geoffrey D. Oliver).

29. Political Questions in International Trade: Judicial Review of Section 301, 10 Michigan Journal of International Law 735 (1989) (with Erwin P. Eichmann).

30. “The U.S. Antidumping System” in Antidumping Law and Practice; A Comparative Study (John Jackson and Edwin Vermulst, eds.), University of Michigan Press, 1990.

31. “Subsidies and Countervailing Duties” in Making Free Trade Work (Peter Morici, ed), Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1990 (with Debra P. Steger).

32. “The Functioning of U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement Dispute Resolution Panels”, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, 1991 (with F. Amanda DeBusk).

33. The U.S.-Canada FTA and GATT Dispute Settlement Procedures – The Litigant’s View , 23 Journal of World Trade 5 (April 1992)

34. Procedures for the Removal of Duty Free Treatment under the GSP Program, International Practitioner’s Notebook (December 1986), Gary N. Horlick, Kathleen Chagnon.

34a. Procedures for the Removal of Duty Free Treatment Under the GSP Program, 24 Corporate Counsel’s International Advisor 12 (May 1987), Gary N. Horlick, Kathleen Chagnon.

34aa. Procedures for the Removal of Duty Free Treatment Under the GSP Program, 1 Laws of International Trade 208.001 (January 1993), Gary N. Horlick, Kari Dohn.

35. Access to Information in EC Antidumping Investigations: Toward a U.S. –Style Procedure? 75 Corporate Counsel’s International Advisor 2 (1991), Gary Horlick, Geoffrey Oliver.

36. Access to Information in EC Antidumping Investigations: Cosmetic Changes Only, 75 Corporate Counsel’s International Advisor 8 (1991), Gary Horlick, Geoffrey Oliver.

37. Kermit W. Almstedt, Gary N. Horlick, “Trade and Import Regulations” in The O’Melveny & Myers Guide to Acquisition and Management of a U.S. Business 207 ((S. Pepe, J. Powers eds. 1992).

38. Introductory Note – United States: Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Opinion in PPG Industries, Inc. v. United States, (1991).

39. Dispute Resolution Panels of the US-Canada Free Trade Agreement: The First Two and One Half Years, Gary N. Horlick and F. Amanda DeBusk, 37 McGill L. J. 574 (1992).

40. Corporate Counsel as Lead Counsel in U.S. Antidumping Cases, Gary N. Horlick and Joseph C. Shapiro, 89 Corporate Counsel’s International Advisor 2 (1992).

41. Dispute Resolution Under NAFTA: Building on the U.S.-Canada FTA, GATT and ICSID, Gary N. Horlick and Amanda DeBusk, 27 Journal of World Trade 21 (1992).

42. Statement of Gary N. Horlick re: Dunkel Text in The Commerce Department Speaks 1992, at 43 (PLI Corp. Law and Practice Course Handbook Series No. B-789, 1992).

43. How the GATT Became Protectionist, An Analysis of the Uruguay Round Draft Final Antidumping Code, Gary N. Horlick, 27 Journal of World Trade 5 (1993).

44. Trade Sanctions and NAFTA, Gary N. Horlick, 5 Georgetown Int’l., Env’l. Law Rev. 523 (1993).

45. The 1994 WTO Subsidies Agreement, Gary N. Horlick and Peggy Clarke, 17 World Competition 41 (1994).

46. The 1994 WTO Antidumping Agreement, Gary N. Horlick and Eleanor C. Shea, 29 Journal of World Trade Law 5 (1995)

47. Dumping: The Final Barriers, Legal Times, March 20, 1995, at 21-24, Gary Horlick, Eleanor C. Shea.

48. Private Remedies for Private Anti-Competitive Barriers to Trade: The Kodak-Fuji Example, International Business Lawyer, November 1996, Gary N. Horlick, Yong K. Kim.

49. WTO Dispute Settlement and the Dole Commission, 29 Journal of World Trade 45 (1996), Gary N. Horlick.

50. Procedures for Removal of Duty-Free Treatment Under the U.S.-GSP Program, Business Laws, Inc. – February 1997, Gary N. Horlick, Oleg V. Riabokon.

51. NAFTA Chapter 11B – A Private Right of Action to Enforce Market Access Through Investments, 4 Journal of International Arbitration 45 (March 1997), Gary N. Horlick, Alicia L. Marti.

52. Standards for Panels Reviewing Anti-dumping Determinations Under the GATT and WTO, Gary N. Horlick, Peggy A. Clarke, in E. U. Petersman, ed., International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System (Kluwer, 1997).

53. The Past and Future of Sunset in Antidumping, Gary N. Horlick, Corporate Counsel’s International Adviser 1998.

54. The Consultation Phase of WTO Dispute Resolution: A Private Practitioner’s View, Gary N. Horlick, 32 International Lawyer 685 (1998).

55. Sovereignty, Trade, and the Environment – A U.S. Perspective, 24 Canada- U.S. Law Journal 177 (1998), Gary N. Horlick.

56. Export Promotion and WTO Subsidies Rules, Santiago, Chile, World Conference of Trade Promotion Organization, Gary N. Horlick (1998).

57. The Treatment of Activities of State Trading Enterprises Under the WTO Subsidies Rules, Gary N. Horlick, Kristin H. Mowry, in T. Cottier and P. Mavroidis, Eds., State Trading in the Twenty-First Century (1999).

58. Antidumping Policy as a System of Law, Gary N. Horlick, Steven A. Sugarman, In M. Rodriquez, P. Low, B. Kotschwar, eds.., Trade Rules In the Making (1999).

59. “The World Trading System at the Crossroads of Science and Politics,” for Seminar at Columbia University, July 22-23, 1999, Gary N. Horlick.

60. New Directions in International Economic Law, John Jackson and the Development of GATT/WTO Subsidies Rules, (Kluwer Law International, The Hague/London/Boston), 2000, Gary N. Horlick.

61. “The Speedbump at Seattle”, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Oxford University Press) at 167, March 2000, Gary N. Horlick.

62. A Problem of Process in WTO Jurisprudence: Identifying Disputed Issues in Panels and Consultations, Law and Policy in International Business, Volume 31, Number 3, Spring 2000, at 573-582, Gary N. Horlick, Glenn R. Butterton.

63. “Problem With the Compliance Structure of the WTO Dispute Resolution Process,” in The Political Economy of International Trade Law: Essays in Honor of Robert E. Hudec, D. Kennedy and J. Southwick, eds. (Cambridge, 2002), Gary N. Horlick.

64. A. U.S. Perspective on the Launch of a New WTO Trade Round at Qatar, Journal of Japanese Trade & Industry, Sept./Oct. 2001, Gary N. Horlick.

65. Comments, Gary N. Horlick, in Efficiency/Equity/Legitimacy, The Multilateral Trading System at the Millennium (J. Porter, Pierre Sauve, Arvind Subramanian, Americo Bevilglia Zampetti, Eds. (Brookings Institute, 2001).

66. “Subsidies Discipline Under WTO and U.S. Rules”, Gary N. Horlick, in European Competition Law Annual 1999: Selected Issues in the Field of State Aid, Claus-Dieter Ehlermann and Michelle Everson, Eds. (European University Institute, 2002).

67. Over the Bump in Doha, 5 Journal of International Economic Law 195 (2002), Gary N. Horlick.

68. NAFTA Provisions and the Electricity Sector, Gary Horlick, Christiane Schuchhardt, and Howard Mann (June 2002).

69. Economic Sanctions in the GATT/WTO World Trading System, Bitburger Gesprache Jahrbuch 2003, Gary Horlick.

70. WTO and NAFTA Rules and Dispute Settlement, G. Horlick (London 2003).

71. WTO Dispute Settlement Practice Relating to Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, Peggy A. Clarke, Jacques Bourgeois and Gary N. Horlick, in F. Ortino and E. U. Petersmann (eds) The WTO Dispute Settlement System 1995-2003, 353-379, 2004..

72. WTO Jurisprudence and Policy: Practitioners’ Perspectives, M. Bronckers and G. Horlick, (eds.), (London 2005).

73. Chapters on “The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures” and “Injury Determinations in Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations” in P. Macrory, A. Appleton, and M. Plummer (eds.), The World Trade Organization: Legal, Economic and Political Analysis, 2005.

74. The 10 Major Problems With The Anti-Dumping Instrument In The United States, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 39, No. 1, (February 2005) at 169, Gary N. Horlick.

75. The 10 Major Problems With The Anti-Dumping Instrument: An Attempt at Synthesis, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 39, No. 1, (February 2005) at 67, Gary N. Horlick, Edwin Vermulst.

76. Mandatory Abolition of Anti-dumping, Countervailing Duties and Safeguards in Customs Unions and Free-Trade Areas Constituted Between World Trade Organization Members: Revisiting a Long-Standing Discussion in Light of the Appellate Body’s Turkey—Textiles Ruling, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 40, No. 5, (2006) at 909, Gary N. Horlick, Angela T. Gobbi Estrella.

77. Market Economy Status for Ukraine in Antidumping Cases in the United States and European Union, Global Trade and Customs Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, (2006), at 49-50, John Maloney and Gary Horlick.

78. WTO Regulation of Subsidies, in EC State Aids, Third Edition, Thomson, (2006), at 167-181, Marco Bronckers, Gary Horlick and Natalie McNelis, Leigh Hanhcer, Tom Ottervange, Piet Jan Slot (eds).

79. Dumping Margin Calculation Problems in the United States, John Greenwald and Gary Horlick, Global Trade and Customs Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (2007).

80. WTO Dispute Settlement and Dispute Settlement in the “North-South” Agreements of the Americas; Consideration for Choice of Forum, Fernando Pierola and Gary Horlick, Journal of World Trade 41(5): 885-908 (2007).

81. The Compliance Problems of the WTO, Gary Horlick and Judith Coleman, Arizona J. of Int’l and Comp. L., Vol. 24; No. 1, 141-147 (2007).

82. Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law, R. Wolfram, P. T. Stoll and R. Koeblele. eds., Volume 4, Trade Remedies, Article 25 ASCM (Horlick and Shoop); Article 12 Safeguards Agreement (Horlick and Shoop); Article 12 AntiDumping Agreement (Horlick and Shinn); Article 14 Antidumping Agreement (Horlick and Swewczyk); Article XII GATT 1994 (Horlick and Dubeck); Understanding on Balance of Payments Measures (Horlick and Dubeck) (2008).

83. WTO Dispute Settlement and Dispute Settlement in the “North-South” Agreements of the Americas; Consideration for Choice of Forum, Fernando Pierola and Gary Horlick, Journal of World Trade 41(5): 885-908 (2007).

84. Getting Ready for U.S. Trade Remedy Cases, International Affiliates, July 1, 2009, by Gary N. Horlick.

85. Smoot-Hawley in Slow Motion, Gary N. Horlick, Global Trade and Customs Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 7/8 (2009).

86. U.S. Climate Change Legislation and International Trade, Gary N. Horlick, Global Trade and Customs Journal; Vol. 4, Issue 11/12 (2009).

87. ‘What if China Keeps Growing?’, Gary N. Horlick, in Expert Guides, Euromoney Institutional Investor [2010].

88. WTO Subsidies Discipline During and After the Crisis, Gary N. Horlick and Peggy A. Clarke, Journal of International Economic Law 2010 13:859-874.

89. Trade War or Growing Pains?, Gary N. Horlick, December 2010,

90. WTO Dispute Settlement from the Perspective of Developing Countries, Gary N. Horlick and Katherine Fennell, in Law and Development Perspective on International Trade Law (Cambridge 2011), pp. 161-178 and Conclusions, Gary N. Horlick, pp. 395-402.