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Gary Horlick
39. Dispute Resolution Panels of the US-Canada Free Trade Agreement:The First Two and One Half Years , Gary N. Horlick and F. Amanda DeBusk, 37 McGill L. J. 574 (1992).

40. Corporate Counsel as Lead Counsel in U.S. Antidumping Cases, Gary N. Horlick and Joseph C. Shapiro, 89 Corporate Counsel’s International Advisor 2 (1992).

41. Dispute Resolution Under NAFTA: Building on the U.S.-Canada FTA, GATT and ICSID , Gary N. Horlick and Amanda DeBusk, 27 Journal of World Trade 21 (1992).

42. Statement of Gary N. Horlick re: Dunkel Text in The Commerce Department Speaks 1992, at 43 (PLI Corp. Law and Practice Course Handbook Series No. B-789, 1992).

43. How the GATT Became Protectionist, An Analysis of the Uruguay Round Draft Final Antidumping Code, Gary N. Horlick, 27 Journal of World Trade 5 (1993).

44. Trade Sanctions and NAFTA, Gary N. Horlick, 5 Georgetown Int’l ., Env’l. Law Rev. 523 (1993).

45. The 1994 WTO Subsidies Agreement, Gary N. Horlick and Peggy Clarke, 17 World Competition 41 (1994).

46. The 1994 WTO Antidumping Agreement, Gary N. Horlick and Eleanor C. Shea, 29 Journal of World Trade Law 5 (1995)

47. Dumping: The Final Barriers , Legal Times, March 20, 1995, at 21-24, Gary Horlick, Eleanor C. Shea.

48. Private Remedies for Private Anti-Competitive Barriers to Trade:The Kodak-Fuji Example, International Business Lawyer, November 1996, Gary N. Horlick, Yong K. Kim.

49. WTO Dispute Settlement and the Dole Commission, 29 Journal of World Trade 45 (1996), Gary N. Horlick.

50. Procedures for Removal of Duty-Free Treatment Under the U.S.-GSP Program, Business Laws, Inc. – February 1997, Gary N. Horlick, Oleg V. Riabokon.

51. NAFTA Chapter11B – A Private Right of Action to Enforce Market Access Through Investments, 4 Journal of International Arbitration 45 (March 1997), Gary N. Horlick, Alicia L. Marti.

52. Standards for Panels Reviewing Anti-dumping Determinations Under the GATT and WTO, Gary N. Horlick, Peggy A. Clarke, in E. U. Petersman, ed., International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System (Kluwer, 1997).

53. The Past and Future of Sunset in Antidumping, Gary N. Horlick, Corporate Counsel’s International Adviser 1998.

54. The Consultation Phase of WTO Dispute Resolution:A Private Practitioner’s View, Gary N. Horlick, 32 International Lawyer 685 (1998).

55. Sovereignty, Trade, and the Environment – A U.S. Perspective, 24 Canada- U.S. Law Journal 177 (1998), Gary N. Horlick.

56. Export Promotion and WTO Subsidies Rules , Santiago, Chile, World Conference of Trade Promotion Organization, Gary N. Horlick (1998).

57. The Treatment of Activities of State Trading Enterprises Under the WTO Subsidies Rules, Gary N. Horlick, Kristin H. Mowry, in T. Cottier and P. Mavroidis, Eds., State Trading in the Twenty-First Century (1999).

58. Antidumping Policy as a System of Law, Gary N. Horlick, Steven A. Sugarman, In M. Rodriquez, P. Low, B. Kotschwar, eds.., Trade Rules In the Making (1999).

59. “The World Trading System at the Crossroads of Science and Politics,” for Seminar at Columbia University, July 22-23, 1999, Gary N. Horlick.

60. New Directions in International Economic Law, John Jackson and the Development of GATT/WTO Subsidies Rules , (Kluwer Law International, The Hague/London/Boston), 2000, Gary N. Horlick.